I had a very easy delivery and was surprised that I was able to stay at the hospital as long as I did. Payton and I were discharged on Tuesday, February 14th...but we got to bring home something extra. A Blue Light! Payton was jaundice, so she had to lay on a billy bed until her numbers came down. That night was a little rough because I was determined to have her sleep on that bed as much as possible - have you ever tried to lay a newborn down with nothing but a diaper on, on a light that isn't very warm?!?! She would sleep on it for about 30 minutes at a time...I do think we had a one hour stretch but that was it. Between trying to get her to lay on the bed and nursing...I was exhausted and needless to say almost in tears. At 2:30am, I gave up on the bed idea and laid her in her carseat where she slept for 4 hours...Alleluia! I was ecstatic and surprisingly well rested. The next morning we took her to Red Bud Hospital for a blood test and got the call that afternoon that her numbers had went down. They had been 14 and it went down to 11. So, we could discontinue use of the bed and the doctor wanted another blood test in the morning. By Thursday her number was at 9.1 and it was to be under 10. I was finally able to call the company to come get their bed. Everybody asked why we had to bring home a bed and not just do sunlight...I am not really sure. As a first time Mom, I kind of forgot to ask some "important" questions. I speculate it was because the sun was something that wasn't shining very brightly in February and also because babies jaundice levels actually spike on day 3 and her numbers were already elevated on day 2, so they assumed they would go up even more before coming down.
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